Good Times with Mo (Oct. 27, 2008)

Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf the Grey

Your humble blog just got a mention on the show today… Mo said it best, 60,000+ hits and counting… All thanks to you guys who’ve made this blog a daily habit (well except for weekends, hehe…)

Great show today for the voyeur in all of us… Secrets spilled left and right, they should do this segment more often… Read on for the juicy bits…

Million dollar mistakes

Mo shared an article on about spectacularly bad rejections by actors for roles originally offered to them… The two most glaring ones:

Sean Connery was originally offered to play the role of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and he was offered 15% of worldwide gross receipts for the role, a total that would have reached a whopping $400,000,000.00! He turned the role down because he’d never read the J.R.R. Tolkien series and claimed he “didn’t understand the script.”

The role eventually went to Ian McKellen and the rest, as they say is history…

Another bone-headed decision was by actor Will Smith who turned down the opportunity to play NEO in the Matrix trilogy to star in the badly received “Wild Wild West” movie…

However, in an interview with Wired, Smith said, “I would have absolutely messed up ‘The Matrix.’ At that point I wasn’t smart enough as an actor to let the movie be — whereas Keanu was.”

So I guess, all’s well that ends well…Β  πŸ™‚

Kristie Kenney interview

US Ambassador Kristie Kenney was interviewed via phone patch on the show today and she talked about the upcoming presidential elections and the US electoral college.

According to Ambassador Kenney, voters do not, technically, participate in a direct election of the president. They choose “electors”, who are pledged to one or another candidate. This is known as the Electoral College.

Each state has a certain number of electors to the college, based on the size of its population.

In almost every state, the winner of the popular vote gets all the electoral college votes in that state. Because of this system, a candidate can take the White House without winning the popular vote, such as in the 2000 contest between George W Bush and Al Gore.

Strange system, but I guess it’s worked for years and at least they get the election results on the same day, which is more than what I can say for the Philippine electoral system… πŸ™‚

Grace Lee dead drunk

Mo related a funny story about their trip to Hong Kong and Macau… Apparently, our favorite Korean DJ got absolutely plastered during their night out in one of the Macau hotspots… She was so piss drunk, she was puking all over the place and had to be helped to her room by the other lady DJ’s of Magic…

And as is customary when you have drunk people, she was dressed and cleaned up by Andi and the other ladies… Mo’s greatest regret is that they didn’t take a video of Grace being undressed and cleaned up, hehe… I absolutely agree, damn, that would have been one of those “priceless moments”…

Most annoying soundbites on radio

Mo surfed the local radio stations during the weekend and he recorded the most annoying soundbites he could find and he asked the gang, Mojo, Grace and Miguel to pick which one they disliked the most…

Amongst the contenders were:

“Kailangan pa bang i-memorize yan?”

“Hi, pangga!”

Castanets? or whatever annoying sound making device is used by the Boys Night Out crew…

Mo detested the “Kailangan pa bang i-memorize yan?” soundbite and declared it as the most annoying… Mojo, Grace and Miguel had their own choices…

A texter said that the most annoying one was Grace Lee’s “I love you Chiz Escudero!”, hehe…

Good one!

Share a secret

Mo talked about a website where anyone could post anonymously a long and deeply held secret… If I recall correctly, he did this before and he got some pretty interesting stuff out there… So he began by asking the callers to phone in and share their deepest and darkest secrets:

Some of the most interesting ones were:

Hot Mom

A male caller phoned in and shared the secret that he had banged not only his girlfriend but also his girlfriend’s hot Mom! Hmmm, I think every teen has had this fantasy at one time or another… This guy just got lucky he managed to live out his!

Call Center affairs

I don’t know what it is about call centers but some of the raunchiest stories I’ve heard come from people who’ve worked in call centers… A couple of female call center agents shared their secret affairs with married men who also worked in call centers…

I’m guessing that the stress is sometimes too much and the opportunities too many to let the chance go by… I loved Mo’s analogy about guys… He said that men are like fighter plane pilots who patrol the skies to protect their loved ones… They don’t like war, they don’t like to hurt people but when a Russian MIG enters their radar, they have to engage and fire away… FOX 1… Whoooosshhhh….

Sisterhood of the travelling pants

Another recurring theme that I noticed when people share secrets is the fascination with sisters… A male caller shared his story about how he courted a girl because he wanted to bang the girl’s sister and he eventually did, after he’d been going out with the elder sister, he got his chance and he did it with the hot younger sister…

Mo was green with envy at this guy, he sounded like a real Casanova… Well you can’t win them all Mo… πŸ™‚

Band of brothers

I’m sure with that previous story there’d be a girl version of the same theme and I was spot on… A girl caller chimed in with her secret that she did the jiggy with the younger and better endowed brother of her then boyfriend (now husband)…

Mo gave her some advice and asked her to make sure that in future when she and her husband have kids, that she knew who the father of the child was…Β  πŸ™‚

Bless me Father

Of course Mojo’s sistah’s had to have their share of airtime too and a caller phoned in to share the secret that he had with a priest… Apparently, during a retreat, he had some oral lovin’ time with a priest who had entered the priesthood because he was having “identity” issues…

The priest is now in Africa doing “missionary” work and is probably on “bended knees”… Aherrmmm…

Whew, that was fun!

Mo promised to do that segment once a month as it produced great radio… πŸ™‚

I agree, it certainly appeals to the voyeur in all of us…

Great times!

19 Responses to “Good Times with Mo (Oct. 27, 2008)”

  1. Alright, once again I’m the first one to comment. I know after this, Marie would start typing her comments away. Haha!

    Great show today, had me grinning during the whole show.

    Most annoying soundbites on radio? I would have to go with “Kailangan pa bang e-memorize yan?”. OMFG! Who ever thought of it should die in a tragic death and have his soul burn in hell for eternity. Grrrr… Too much hate and violence going on here. I bet you guys understand how I’m feeling.

    Grace’s “I LOVE YOU CHIZ ESCUDERO” would be great if it’s cut to: “I LOVE YOU CHI” and put the “Z ESCUDERO” to the trash bin. Haha! Great idea huh?

    About Mo’s analogy of guys, FOX 2 fire away! I just love how Mo’s mind works.

    And lastly, “Share a secret” was fun except for the sister of Mojo. It’s just plain disgusting. Sorry Mojo… Also, Mo envying the guy who did nasty with his gf’s lil sister, Mo, it’s the size I guess. Ha!


    PS. Marie, start typing your comments now! LOL.

  2. hahaha marie i beat you! but I can’t stay long, bawal!

  3. I loved the whole fighter pilot analogy as well. I’ll go so far as to say that the fighter pilot analogy is the most BRILLIANT thing to have ever come out of Mo Twister’s mouth. I want to put a baby into that analogy. Also, I just noticed that the post didn’t include the gay caller who got cut off because of his unfortunate choice of words when he was telling his secret.

  4. angmagemailunggoy Says:

    great show today..
    i wanted to add, on the most annoying soundbites on radio:

    “may ganon!” 91.5 ,

    “alalalalalalalam mo na yan.. lam mo na yan..” i don’t know what radio station, and lastly..

    “this is faith.. yoohoo.. you are listenin’ to (accent here)good times with mo… call him up. 63108 nan nan.. and you might be able to talk to ma cutipa’ fren”

    hehehe! no offense..

  5. i have one annoying sound suggestion:

    do you listen to Barangay 97.1 LS? they have the slogan AYOS!

    try to catch up on the segment TALK TO PAPA. i am not sure when is the segment aired. notice something very annoying whenever the djs talk to the caller: they play a very awful sound, a group of people laughing!

    its recorded and somehow the “parang kinahig kung saan saan” its VERY HORRENDOUS!

    try to listen to the station, especially to the show!

  6. Hi Chi,

    Yeah, where is Marie? πŸ™‚

    β€œKailangan pa bang i-memorize yan?” is ANNOYING! !#@$!@#%^%^
    Grace thought it was cute coz of the baby uttering the clip… πŸ™‚

    Grace saying, “I love CHI”, hehe… Wouldn’t that make your day… Dream on buddy, hehe…

    Great times!


  7. Hi Woainimo, in and out, hehe…

    @Ian, re Mojo’s sistah who said the c*ck word… Yeah, I heard that… Didn’t want to include it anymore, hehe…

    @Rap rap, will check it out just for laughs…

    Great times!


  8. Hey Benj,

    Congrats man on the 60, 000+hits. You ARE doing the lord’s work keeping all of us nutjobs entertained! πŸ˜› Woohoo!

    Hey Chi and Woainimo,

    You clever little cutesies! My boss is here so I wasn’t able to write in as early. I must say, I think I’ve mastered the art of”Alt-Tab”!!! hahaha πŸ˜€

    Fighter Pilot Analogy

    Genius! I was sitting in traffic thinking “This guy’s a friggin’ genius…” IGoose and Maverick… Genius…

    Secret Sharing

    Lotta people wanting to get stuff off their chests. Hey Benj, ever think of having a “secret sharing” corner/blog? I bet it’ll be a hit too. πŸ™‚

    Radio Sounbites

    One of our bosses who’s a foreigner once in a while chimes “May energy ka ba?” and it’s so cute how and when he says it. Don’t know if he picked it up from a local staff or heard it on the radio. Don’t really care… πŸ™‚

    πŸ˜€ Marie

  9. Hi angmagemailunggoy (that was a mouthful),

    Funny suggestions, hehe… You had me laughing there… Yeah, come to think of it, the Faith soundbite is pretty annoying!

    Welcome to the blog!


  10. angmagemailunggoy Says:

    hi marie.. i i may suggest. if you’ve already mastered alt+tab try this one..
    windows button + d.
    it will minimize all open applications..

    benj, this is a great site. keep it up. and sorry for my long handle.. hehehe! i mean the user name.. not the sausage chico opts to eat at vaclair.

    this is my first time to visit this site, so i might be the + sign in that 60,000 hits. hehehe!!

    thanks again.. more power..

    can we have a xmas party? of course with goodtimes djs. πŸ™‚
    (first time visitor palang nag aaya na.. hehehe!)

  11. Hey angmagemailunggoy (I had to copy and paste this in fear of getting it wrong!),

    That’s quite a handle you got there! πŸ˜›

    Thanks for the tip. It’ll be very useful, I’m sure. hahaha πŸ™‚

    πŸ˜€ Marie

  12. hi,

    Great show! πŸ™‚ i love the secrets. weeeee… and they promised it to have the topic once a month. Cool!!!! Also, congrats to you benjie!

    Good times!



  14. yay! no work tomorrow and on wednesday! i will be able to tune in to the show πŸ˜€

  15. i miss today’s show, monday sickness, didn’t get to work…hehehe

  16. Hey Benj!
    Congratulations on getting 60,000 hits! πŸ™‚ Yayyyy!

    I’ve always loved reading post secrets on the internet. I even sent a few my own to that site just for kicks. 3 of the 7 that I sent were featured. Lol. πŸ˜›

    The thing with the priest was kinda disturbing. Tee hee.


  17. Tenacious X Says:

    Hi Everyone!

    woke up like past 7am and the 1st sound I heard was “Grace lee S-Faced Drunk and Naked!” oye!

    Mohan had this Idea of a volleyball game for a game console.
    then Mojo suggested that there should be like a selection where you could design your own character and you can even create a Kangaroo(like in Tekken).
    Mo immediately told Mojo to Stab his neck with a pencil because of always ruining his stories. lol funny Brutal Mohan!

    Good Times Everyone,

  18. Tenacious X Says:

    and I almost forgot,

    I believe there is a video of Grace Lee taken that night.

    they might just deleted it somehow but i’ts impossible not to have any video of it…

    desperately hoping, <–LOL

  19. Cristy Pata Says:


    One thing good about the Professor is that he gets to say what we hot blooded straight guys feel without mincing words. I really hate when fags call and share their faggy fantasies. Having Mojo is enough for the gay view.MORE POWER BENJ !!!!

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